Casual Sex

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Kids, be careful out there on the streets, no matter where it may be. It could be a bar, a night club, or even a park. Sometimes, you'll find human trash wherever you go. You may be thinking, "Watch my ass? I know this shit already!" I'm talking about the people who walk behind you who can grab you quick as a flash. Rapists, they're out there. It's a dangerous world out there, and the streets are just a breeding ground for criminals. I still don't trust those dating websites either, stay away from those. I've seen some shit... Weird, freaky shit...

Trust no one.

"What the fuck?" You're probably thinking, "Why are you talking to children at a park? Aren't you like 21 years old? Who even are you?" My name's Ten. I'm 24, actually, although people tell me I look a lot younger because I'm small. But sadly, I'm homeless, so I must live and sleep on the playground equipment with at least one eye open since rapists and robbers like to target girls like me. Anyway, there are freaks everywhere. There's just no escaping it! They come out and crawl around like cockroaches, even in the most normal-seeming of places. It's just the truth. What place am I talking about, though?

This park. Yes, this very park, a shitty one where pieces of trash and dog shit are always covering the ground. It was meant to be a playground for children... but things really went wrong. In all honesty, it should've never been made. What was made to be a simple park where you play on the swings, climb the monkey bars, and such has been the spawn of drug dealers, pickpockets, and prostitutes. There's been numerous assaults, and I've seen them all, the famous ones including the Serial Slapper and the Bottle Basher. I've been victim to these kind of things by my own will. I've toyed with drugs and with shady people, but I really wasn't in for what I thought would be a simple meeting... at first.

I had met this man by the alias of the Dust Collector, I believe, if he's still out there. I don't know if he completely erased himself from the face of the earth or just fled the area, but we'll call him Dusty. He was surprisingly mature, unlike most people around here. He said he'd heard about me through a little "fun crime community" one of my friends started, but he hadn't sold to anyone in the area after nearly getting arrested for it. Dusty was pretty nice, and he thought I was cool. I admit that I was a long-time drug addict, and it'd been a while since I'd had my fix. Well, he said he'd give me some drug money if I got him some expensive sunglasses and had sex with him afterwards. He said he only needed me for that, and I thought it'd be a simple scam and a little casual sex. Dusty said he'd be able to lure people in with the false promise of a Mercedes and trick them with it, so I went ahead and carried out my job. Dusty gave me a pair of counterfeit car keys to use as "bait." Sounds like I was gonna go catch a fucking fish or something.

I found this one spoiled girl by a name that I don't even remember. She seemed to be pretty young, around eleven or twelve in my opinion. This kid was eager to get that Mercedes that I supposedly had, bitching at me when her stingy cash offer wasn't good enough. I told her if she gave me her shades for a piece of string, I'd give it to her. Well, she did. I said that I wouldn't give her it, knocked her out, and went back to Dusty's house. Note that he was a pretty fucking rich guy at this time, so his house was pretty big. I'm not even sure how he got it... but whatever, I don't care.

I gave him the shades, and he thanked me and gave me a little hit of his stash. After we had sex, I asked him if he'd give me the money, and he said I'd have to get him an expensive pair of shoes. I did, and he kept tasking me with scamming expensive items from snobby rich kids and then having sex with him after with the possibility of a small hit of whatever drugs he had on hand. Soon, I grew tired. He was using me. I demanded for Dusty to pay up before I gave him an expensive diamond necklace.

"Give it over," I remember him saying. I said no, and he replied, "You're useless. Get out of my sight."

Ooooh boy, here comes the really fucked up part.

He hit me. Not just a light slap, but an actual punch to the face. My vision went black, and I fell unconscious. I came to in a snowy-looking area, but I had no idea where it was. No clear directions, no exit. I was tempted to close my eyes again, but I didn't. Maybe it's because I was pretty dazed at that moment or I just didn't wanna be raped in my sleep... Probably both. Also, note that I was pretty broke right then. Or maybe... Nah, fuck it. I was super fucking broke.

I ended up walking for a while. In the snow, stuff was littered all over the place: clothes, accessories, and even some electronics. Nothing shady about that? Wrong. This guy made this place and apparently added golden juice in the snow. Wait... no... that's beer? Yeah, that smell is definitely beer! Seriously, out of all things, why beer? Yeah, I'm drunk right now. So what? Okay, back to the topic...

I walked into a sparsely wooded area. The sky was overcast for a few minutes before it began to snow. There was a path of crushed snow that went on for a while... Maybe a few minutes? After about five, I saw a few little golden dots. Oh come on, why beer though? Oh well, at least it's not piss. I paused for a second and went on. A few golden streaks and puddles began to appear, inside and outside the trail.

Soon, bones began to come into my view. There were human skulls with bits of hair still on them, and pieces of clothes too. For some bizarre reason, I wanted to wear the torn up clothes. I picked them up and tried to make the "edgiest" look I could with these new accessories. And it all fell off me immediately... I was bored, high, concussed, and had nothing else to do, anyway. I proclaimed myself as "Junkie Edgelord" to nobody in particular and went on down the trail.

If you need a visualization, imagine me but even paler and with a giant bruise on my forehead. Back to the point, though, before I get off topic...

Eventually I ended up by a yellow pool of water, sort of like a hot spring or something that someone pissed in. There were dirty plastic chairs placed around it with golden streaks dripping down the sides of them. I walked around it only to be met with a rotting corpse, vomit running from its mouth and down its chin. It stank like someone had taken a shit and burned it. Eugh, did Dusty try to scare me with this or something? It was so rotten that I couldn't even tell the gender, which was a bit unsettling but mostly just really gross.

I walked past it only to be in another snowy field, but makeshift tombstones were poking out of the ground. They had names that I recognized in the little crime community for this stupid town. Beer had soaked into the ground around the tombstones and dripped off them slowly, flowing into small holes in the snow. In the background, a faint buzzing noise could be heard, which was probably tinnitus from my concussion. Progressively, it got louder as I walked through the beer-covered graveyard, empty bottles scattered along the ground in front of the stones. My head began to throb, but a sense made me keep my jacket's hood up...

Dusty was there.

"What did you do?!" I asked him. He stood there in silence. "What the actual fuck did you do?!" I asked again.

"I wasn't gonna pay you anyway," he said. "Are you broke or something?" I was really just looking for a way to earn some quick bucks. Because why not? I've got a lot of drugs I've looked forward to buying.

"I made this place to discard people like you," he said. "People like you who are dumb enough to trust me."

"What do I have to do, fight you?" I asked.


I was lured into a street duel. This was an organized street fight in the little crime community. Basically, two people went to or were brought to a random location in the middle of nowhere. If the two of you found each other, you'd have to fight without using any weapons besides your own bodies. This was more or less a skill test, but physical strength definitely had a large part in it as well. If you lost, you were essentially at the full mercy of your opponent.

I lost.

I collapsed to the ground when the duel ended, too exhausted to move. Dusty walked over to me, and two other men, who had been observing the two of us, walked up behind him. They were the organizers of the duel, there to make sure that neither of us pulled a weapon during it or tried to run away. It was pretty fair in my opinion, though they definitely didn't account for such stark differences in size and strength. Dusty let out some kind of weird battlecry, and I wanted to cover my ears. God, was it loud! Dusty knelt down over me, then drew a knife from his pocket.

He slammed his fist down on my head, then raked his knife down my side with his other hand. I was squirming in the snow and screaming so loud that I think I blew one of the guys' ears out. Blood leaked out of my wound and soaked into the snow that was now red. Then he grabbed my head and held the knife inches from my throat. I squinted at the sight, wanting to run but not knowing how to do so without getting my throat slit. I tried to slap the knife away but my hand caught on the blade and I drew back my arm in pain. Dusty pressed the knife right against my throat, and I thought it was over. Then, I heard a voice.

"No. Let her go."

It was my friend who started the crime community. I don't know when she got there, or why she didn't try to stop him before he could stab me, but she made him spare me. Dusty told me I was a worthy opponent (bullshit), and then walked off. I never saw him again and I honestly don't think I want to, at least not in a situation like that.

So anyway, kids, that's why I stopped doing drugs. Yeah, I still drink. How the fuck do you think I coped with the withdrawal? That shit's a living hell!