Greely's Hive: An AJ Crappypasta

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Something was always off about Greely. It wasn't how he looked, because he looked like a regular alpha, it was how he acted. He barely talked to the other alphas and almost never to jammers, and seemed to almost hate you entirely if you tried to help him. He was always "studying" the phantoms. I mean yeah, it does make sense to study the main threat of Jamaa to protect it, but not to the point of isolation. But of course me being the edgy teen I was, Greely ended up being my favorite.

One day I logged onto Animal Jam. Since I had the entire summer break to waste doing absolutely nothing, I wanted to play the game for fun. My sister named Lilly, my friend, me, and her called her Daisy, and we decided to play The Hive, since it was our favorite adventure. Granted, it was only our favorite for the battle against the Phantom King at the end, but at the end of the day it was still our favorite. We got into the adventure but something was missing, Cosmo.

Cosmo was supposed to greet us and tell us what to do, but instead there was a black liquid substance. "What is that?" My sister asked bewildered. "I have no idea." I said staring at it. Daisy scooped up some of the goop and sniffed it, her nose wrinkled in disgust immediately. "Yuck!" She squealed "It reeks of phantom!" shaking her paw back and fourth trying to get the goop off. "Lets just ignore...that." I said glaring at the phantom goop. We padded past the phantom goop cautiously, making sure not to get our pads in it.

We were walking inside the cave until some phantom pods stopped us. Dozens of them were blocking our path. "Dang it!" I said in frustration lashing my bushy tail. "No worries!" Daisy said "I've got this!". She equipped her non-member sword and slashed it through the phantom pods, making them disintegrate into nothingness within seconds. "Nice." I complimented her. "Thank you." She said and gave a bow. We continued to pad through the cave until we heard a noise.

There was the faint, loud enough to heard, noise of tentacles squishing together. We swerved our heads and saw the horrid creatures. "Phantoms!" Said Lilly in a whisper yell. "Be quiet and be careful." I whispered, as Lilly's wolf shivered. I noticed phantom pod a couple feet in front of us. I pointed with my muzzle to the phantom pod and told them to stay low and follow me. We dashed quickly to the pod without making a sound. I noticed the door to the Phantom King was open without the crystals in place somehow and Lilly and Daisy seemed to take notice.

"How is it open without the crystals?" Daisy asked staring at the open door in shock. "I don't know but we need to book it to the door." "Are you crazy?" Lilly said in a whisper yell "We'll get destroyed out there!". "We have to it's the only way." I replied in a serious tone. Now most people would exit the adventure, log out or turn off the computer. But the thing is, we tried all three of those and it didn't work. So basically we were stuck in the adventure. "Fine." Lilly and Daisy said both shivering in fear.

We waited for an open path and booked it. We dashed across the cold,hard floor as the phantoms saw us. They flew after us as we rushed with fear and panic, our muscles screaming for us to stop. We leaped into the open door as it closed behind us, making a loud noise. "Well well well, what do we have here?" Some one sneered.

We couldn't believe it with our own eyes. Greely, an alpha, sitting on a throne of bones, with an evil grin. I opened my jaw to speak but closed it as I looked around the area. Fur pelts, carcasses, flesh, phantom goop and fresh blood filled the edges of the room. "You like the collection?" Greely grinned. "W-Why would you do this?" I managed to squeak out. "Phantoms are misunderstood and jammers are greedy and privlaged." Greely sneered. "The phantoms are trying to destroy Jamaa!" I yelled in frustration. "Thats what you think, but we are claiming what is rightfully ours!" He howled "Now that you know our plan you must pay!". Before we could react, he pounced at us claws fully extended, with dry blood on them.

He took a blow at me raking his claws down my shoulder, yowling with pain, I threw him off. I reared around and raked my sharp claws down his muzzle, he groweled as blood trickled down my claw marks. He swerved his body and took a sharp blow at Daisy. I was about to scream out to Daisy to make sure she is alright but she got up and made a hard, sharp blow at Greely. He fell over exposing his stomach. We all pounced on him at once. Lilly clawed his side while Daisy and I clawed his stomach. Deep cuts were all over his body and fresh blood poured out of them. Greely had a spasm and finally closed his eyes. His body went limp.

We had scratches on our bodies but weren't almost dead. Finally a golden chest appeared in front of us. It glowed brightly as we opened it. Our reward was "Greely's Skull". Lilly and I got Daisy's number and added her on Skye. We closed the computer shut, scared by what we had just witnessed. We stared at each other for a second,then hugged each other and cried.