Glue-Sniffer's Folly

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Nobody knows we're still here. It's fucking hilarious. Do you know who we are?

We are LEGION. Haha, just kidding.

You should know me by now. I'm Sticker, one of the most infamous glue-sniffers in history. What the fuck do you mean you don't know me?! Anyway, I should also mention that some other drug users, drunks, and prostitutes are with me right now, in a location I can't disclose. "Then why are you telling this story?" I hear you ask. Well, shut the fuck up and stop interupting me, you little shit! Okay, let me start at the beginning of it all — the beginning of TIME. Haha, I'm kidding again.

It all started back when I was banned from my favorite store permanently and I ran away to hide deep in the woods and sniff some glue without being caught again. It was there that I found more people who had been banned from stores before me, for various reasons — theft, loitering, sexual harassment, and violence. All kinds of hooliganism. But everyone felt like they had a place here — there were plenty of places to run and hide in, there was lots of room and stolen supplies for everyone, it seemed like we had found ourselves a junkie paradise. It was fucking heaven! I have never felt such happiness, the withdrawal just seemed to fade away. Well, that was mostly because I just had another sniff of glue, but whatever.

And now I hear you say, "What happened to that place, Sticker?" Didn't I tell you to shut the fuck up?! Well fucking do it! Okay. Anyway.

More people get banned from stores and started to find this place, and their trashiness stripped the place of its safety and cleanliness — nasty assholes would piss and shit everywhere, selfish cunts would hoard all the food and blankets, and one especially shitty douchebag kept stealing from people's drug stashes! Do you know how fucking hard it is to get the good stuff?! I tried everything I could to clean the fucking place, but nothing I did could revive the once pleasant look and smell of the forest. Slowly but surely, the area turned into a shitfest, and I couldn't believe how many people kept fucking it up even more. Some people even turned to dangerous amateur drugs like Krokodil. They started to feel gigantic patches of skin painfully dissolve after several uses, leaving their flesh and bones exposed. Trying to help these people only made it worse — every time someone would try to pour some of the last uncontaminated alcohol on the wounds, they'd thrash around in pain and fuck up anyone who came too close. We even resorted to eating wild berries and mushrooms to try to nourish ourselves. This wasn't a good option, either — a lot of them were poisonous and most of us were too fucking stupid to know that. The pond in the area was contaminated by all the shit and piss — if you ever even sipped a little bit of water from it, you would get sick and die in a matter of days. Of course you'd have to get past the nasty smell to drink from it at all, which kept most people from trying that shit. Nobody spared a thought for us — we were lowlife scum, all alone in the big bad world, nobody would even think of helping or looking for any of us at all! It's fucked up, man.

Pray all you want — it won't do shit. There is no god. Cry out for help — no one comes. That's life, and anyone who didn't see that before can see it now. This place is so fucked...

July 25, 2015

Dozens of lost hooligans pour into this place almost every week, and it's now become even shittier to live here. It's just too overcrowded, and people are still pissing and shitting everywhere! Some people have actually managed to die peacefully of overdoses, which probably felt like a blessing! Me? No, I haven't died yet, obviously. I wouldn't be writing this if I had, retard! Flies are now all over the place due to the mass amount of feces and rot, and with the treeline thickening, it's become near impossible to try and find our way out now...

Are we fucked? Am I fucked?

July 27, 2015

I can't fucking believe it! This awful shit has happened to me...

It was only my earlobes a few weeks ago, since my shitty piercing job got a little infected, but now most of my body's got nasty wounds on it. I haven't even done Krokodil, but that didn't stop me from getting these little holes. Scratch that out — more like fucking flystrike! You know, the thing that happens to sheep when shit gets caked to their asses? That's what's happening to me. I also fucked up one of my legs in a scuffle, making it super hard and painful to walk. I don't know if it's broken or just sprained, but there's nothing I can do about it right now. There's even more shit, piss, and vomit all over the place. Corpses are strung out everywhere else, all in various stages of decay. There's nowhere to go to escape the disgusting stench. I wish this bullshit would end! Some people, out of curiosity, have started to jump into the river to try and see if they can get across it, but none have succeeded. And their bodies just sit there and rot, uneaten, because all the shit in the river has killed anything that might've been living in there. It's fucking disgusting. I'M LOSING MY FUCKING SHIT!

It... smells... so fucking bad... FUCK!

July 29, 2015

I swear there are fucking faces in the trees! And there's these giant-ass mites crawling around everywhere too. Wait, am I seeing shit? Fuck, even glue doesn't give me hallucinations this bad! A few times, when I got too close to the edge of the river, I swear I saw some kind of monster fish swimming around in it, looking for some hapless retard to grab and pull under. But there's no way anything's alive in that cesspool, so either the glue is finally rotting my brain or the stress is driving me batshit. Maybe both, who knows? Some people have commited suicide, overdosing on purpose if they still have any drugs left, or hanging themselves with blankets or their clothes if they don't. I've even tried to commit suicide myself, but every time I figure I'm going to end it all, I just wind up either chickening out or hurting myself because I can't do it right. Maybe I'm just unlucky? Or maybe I'm just too much of a retard to kill myself...

This is such fucking BULLSHIT!

(The date is illegible, making it unknown when this was written)

I've started to kill everyone who wanders in here. I've run out of glue and clean supplies, so I have no choice. So far, I've discovered that the non-addicts wandering around these parts are the ones usually carrying food and water with them, and time after time, I kill them and take their supplies for myself. But I hope for other glue-sniffers to come, because my withdrawal is fucking me in the ass and I'll do anything to sate it. I have to kill them especially quickly because angry drug addicts put up quite a fight. But I fucking need that glue. And every cold fucking night, I wish I was back home, safe and warm in my apartment, instead of being a desperate junkie out in the woods, robbing and killing people without a second thought. It's a bit better now after I got my hands on a clean blanket, but I'm still alone in the woods with no help. Yeah that's right, the other hooligans who came here are all dead from various causes. I'm all by myself now. Why don't I ask for help instead of killing people when they wander in, you ask? It's just not worth it. Even if they do know the way out, they won't help me. I'm a glue-sniffer, a drug addict. I'm seen as a lost cause.

I want to escape this bullshit, but I keep getting fucked by withdrawal and drugs are my only answer. I need my next fix. I need my next fix! I NEED MY NEXT FUCKING FIX!

Everyone will die, and I'll remain.