No fuck rectangle
Stop what you're doing, right now! Yeah, you! Drop that fucking shit right now or I'll blow your fucking brains out! DO IT, FAGGOT!
As you probably already know, there are dangerous people out there. If they try to fuck you without your permission and that makes you want to kill them, that's FUCKED UP! KILL THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS RIGHT NOW!
Yes for real, if you are being abused in a sexual manner, please grab the nearest weapon and make sure they can never do it again. I'm not sure what, because I don't even fucking know you, but please, find something that can help you kill that piece of shit. I know it might be scary or illegal, but please, it's for your own good. I want those despicable scum to die and you should too. Please, please, please get something to help you kill that bastard efficiently. If you for one reason or another don't have one at the moment, please call this number and they will give you a free AK-47: 800-69-GROPE
I don't give a shit if you don't even fucking know me! Trust my words, damn it! And/or if you are having bad, dark thoughts or are hurting yourself or planning to, call this number: 800-FREE-WEAPONS
Please, get yourself some good weapons, and I can promise you, there is at least one way that you can effectively kill evil cunts with, trust me. I SAID TRUST ME, DAMN IT! I'm an expert. Now call the free weapons number and take your pick from guns and knives to hammers and chainsaws.