The sex slaves
Chapter 1: Welcome.....
As I walked into one of the pimps hidden rape dungeons, I could hear the pimps' pooping. "Show me them now" I said. The pimps jerked back. "SHOW ME THEM NOW" I shouted "yAaAs qEeN sLaY" the pimps said.
We walked deeper into the rape dungeon, then there was a row of whores in cages.
There were soap, woofs, doggos, strippers, uncultured swines, and all the Memes in Jamaa. "Good you did good."
"wHo PuT yoU in CharGe?" a pimp asked. I glared at him. "I know Jamaa more then you pepes," I said in a rough voice.
"WE ARRE NOTT PEPES" he shouted back to me.
"No one talks back to me!" I jumped on the pimp, ripping off one of his arms.
Then the 3 other pimps looked at me and pointed their memes at me. "Don't you dare".
Then the pimps jabbed their memes into me... but they went right through me. "So you forgot, I'm a doge".
The pimps looked down and continued to follow me.
Chapter 2: The Sex Slavery
A sloth caught my eye. "Who is this?" I said "tHiS iS LilY" They said.
"OK, lets give her a try." The pimps grabbed lily "No no, I'm not going!" lily said.
We brought Lily to a pile of junk. "OK Lily" I said "I want you to make some dildos for us, ok?" "No, no, no" Lily said I glared at the pimps and growled. Then the pimps knocked Lily to the pile. "Now do it." I said and we left Lily in the room.
1 hour past, then me and the pimps went to the room Lily was in. "Hello" I said and Lily had made 3 new memes.
"Lily, did I tell you to make memes? No I did not, so you do not want to do what I say" "I will never do what you say!" said lily "OK then."
I walked to Lily's face "You will do what i say, OK?" NO NO NO i will not do what you say!" "Stop being a baby!" I said.
"Stop being my boss" lily said. I walk away from Lily face "You will pay," and I swept Lily's face and jabbed my strap-on in her anus as she fell to the ground and I walked away to the rape dungeons.
Chapter 3: Grooly......
"SLOTHS SO BOOTYFUL now where is the rape dungeon list" "hEaR QueEn" one of the pimps gave the list to me so you have 4 sloths 2 uncultured swines 2 panderers 3 faggots 3 lolis 2 cocksuckers. "OK very
the sun set, it was time lets go. no sign of whores right i said to the pimps, i looked behind me the pimp where gone.
"OK then i guess i'm going to do this the hard way Grooly" i said "you always know i'm there and this time you will not take any more whores" Grooly said "Grooly Grooly you may know a lot of the pimps secrets but you do not know any of mine".
"i know your secrets" Grooly said "KAY so if you say you know all my secrets let see if you know this one".
i took of my top hat opened my eyes they had demon red glow "yOu Do NoT TeLl mE wHat To dO" i said in a echoing voice the trees shook with the ground, 5 houses collapsed with the whores in them running out.(there was multiple whores in the houses)
a red glow surrounded them "YoU wILL NeVer stOp mE" I said, then me and the whores disappeared, with the castrators.
Chapter 4: the strip club
i locked the new sex slaves in cells and grabbed the rape dungeon list and on the list i add the new sex slaves,
"3 doggos 2 sparklewoofs 4 rape victims 2 elephant-in-the-rooms 3 woofs".
"OK" i said to the new sex slaves "let me go over the rules first"
1 "do what we say"
2 "if you do something that we do not like you will get punished"
3 "do not make fuckbuddies"
4 "do what a pimps said"
"like we will do that" a woof said "я" the rest of whores said.
"OK then looks like you you didn't follow one of the rules" i lifted my castrators the tiniest bit a doge of pain shot though the whores bodies.
"qEeN wE nEeD to BreN tHe pRisEneRs To thE StRiP ClUb RiGht AwaY" a pimp said "ok" i said back the the pimp
some time later.....
i could fell the cracks of the earth as we walk to the stip club with the prisoners in a cage with pimps pulling it.
"hear we are" a pimp said.
and we began to climb the dildo tower.
some time later......
"ok its time for work"i said a pimp took the elephant-in-the-rooms to a sex factory with dildos going from wall too wall "ok you to bigees are going to pull the dildos over to the corner and the other animal will put the tubgirls together" i said as i walked to the rape dungeons.
once all the whores where at work i was looking for the whores that where not doing there work i saw a loli walking around throwing small tubgirl at the ropes holding up the big dildos.
"what are you doing" i said "i was doing nothing"the loli said "are you trying to break the ropes"i said "n no" the loli said i swepped the lolis face with my vibrator the loli screamed in pain as i walked away.
i saw a butt monkey running around "what are you doing" i said "my job is to hard" said the butt monkey "well what is your job" to put dildos together the butt monkey said.
"oooo ok then i have a new job for you follow me"i said as the butt monkey followed me i brought her to a ladder that led up to a hug dildo "now take that bag of pimp poop clam the later open the bag pour the poop in to the dildo ok bye" i said and left the butt monkey to her work.
after 5 minutes i heard the butt monkey scream "THIS IS TO HARD!!!" i walked over to the butt monkey "why did you give me a harder job" she said "well" i said "if you complain you will get a harder job" but can i go to the job i had before" she said "no" i said in a carefree voice and left "i know i will be saved and you will be put to sex slavery" she said i glared at the butt monkey i began to run up the later she was on and her face making her fall of the ladder.
"no one yells at me" and i ran of the ladder and looked at the butt monkey she no longer was breathing.
"i hope all you sex slaves saw that because that will happen to you if you do not fuck me".
"this is the last time you will have sex slaves aaron burr" a sexy voice said.
Chapter 5: free
out of the dark grooly came this is the end he said as he throw a blunt at the biggest dildo making it crash and fall braking the roof making the ropes holding the small dildo and everything was calapsing.
"GROOLY this is the last time you will ruin my plans, and the name aaron burr is my old name now im a doge not a sparklewoof like i was before" i said.
"you my be a doge but you will never make it" grOOly said.
"well gr00ly you my think you are stopping my for mora but you aren't" i said.
"stop your lies" grOOly said.
"this is not a lie i saw mora" i said.
grOelys eyes was... TO BE CONTINUED "
stop lying" grOOly said.
"did you forget im a doge when i lived mora was still around" i said.
then sir Shitbert crashed into the wall letting all of the sin the rape dungeons oudoge "this is not over" i said and ran through the TO BE CONTINUED HEI HUE HUE.